Lysis has revealed that it may buy SB-590885 Measure three factors: Cognitive Empathy, Emotional Reactivity, and Social PubMed ID: Skills (Lawrence et al., 2004). Total scores are computed by summing responses to all of the items, while factor scores involve summing items that measure a particular factor. The range of total scores is from 0 to 80 points, with higher scores indicating greater empathy. While cognitive 946128-88-7 custom synthesis empathy is assessed by the Cognitive Empathy Factor and includes such items as,”I am good at predicting how someone will feel,” emotional empathy is measured by the Emotional Reactivity factor through items such as, “I get upset if I see people suffering on news programs.” Emotional empathy as measured by this scale is more similar to the construct of emotion contagion than sympathy. The Social Skills factor does not measure empathy but rather assesses individuals’ perceptions of their ability to interact socially with others, for example,”I find it hard to know what to do in a social situation” (which is a reverse-scored item). Questionnaire Measure of Empathic Tendency. The Questionnaire Measure of Empathic Tendency (QMET) was designed to measure dispositional emotional empathy in healthy adults (Mehrabian and Epstein, 1972). The split-half reliability for this scale in healthy adults is .84. The QMET has demonstrated good construct validity in healthy adults through its association with other measures of empathy such as the IRI-EC [males: r(225)=.63, p<.05, females: r(235)=.56, p<.05] and the IRI-PT [males: r(225)=.22, p<.05; females: r(235)=.17, p<.05; Davis,Table 2 | Trait empathy: reliability. Measures 1846 1846 Re-test IRI-PT IRI-EC IRI-FS IRI-PD EQ-sum EQ-cog EQ-emot EQ-soc QMET EC 16 19 7 19 47 11 14 6 36 2.93 15 23 11 17 46 10 13 5 54 3.33 Diff score 1 -4 -4 2 1 1 1 1 -18 -.40 17 19 21 12 42 11 7 5 17 2.53 2363 2363 Re-test 21 19 19 12 50 11 11 7 19 2.73 Diff score -4 0 2 0 -8 0 -4 -2 -2 -.IRI-PT, Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)-Perspective-Taking Subscale; IRI-EC, IRI Empathic Concern subscale; IRI-FS, IRI Fantasy subscale; IRI-PD, IRI Personal Distress Subscale; EQ, Empathy Quotient (EQ); EQ-Sum, total score on EQ; EQ-Cog, EQ Cognitive Empathy Factor; EQ-Emot, EQ Emotional Reactivity Factor; EQ-Soc, EQ Social Skills Factor; QMET, Questionnaire Measure of Empathic Tendency; EC, Emotion Contagion Scale; Diff score, Initial testing ?Re-test score.Frontiers in Psychology | CognitionMarch 2013 | Volume 4 | Article 69 |Beadle et al.Empathy in hippocampal amnesiaTable 3 | Trait empathy. Participant IRI PT 1846 Patient Family NC P score 2363 Patient Family NC P score 2563 Patient NC Raw z Raw z HC GRP NC GRP M SD M SD Raw z Raw z Raw z Raw z Raw z Raw Z 16 -.40 7 -2.26 24 1.25 9 17 .05 16 -.17 21 .89 1 11 -1.22 21 .89 14.67 3.21 22.00 1.73 EC 19 -.70 16 -1.48 22 .09 3 19 -.01 25 1.42 24 1.18 -6 23 .94 23 .94 20.33 2.31 23.00 1.00 FS 7 -2.27 2 -3.24 14 -.92 5 21 .94 13 -.49 19 .58 8 7 -1.56 25 1.66 11.67 8.08 19.33 5.51 PD 19 1.34 19 1.34 16 .74 0 12 .56 16 1.44 11 .34 -4 1 -1.86 22 2.76 10.67 9.07 16.33 5.51 Total 47 -.39 25 -2.78 51 .04 22 42 .07 29 -1.22 55 1.36 13 51 .96 59 1.75 46.67 4.51 55.00 4.00 Cog 11 2.33 2 -2.67 13 3.44 9 11 3.39 4 -.50 10 2.83 7 9 2.28 12 3.94 10.33 1.15 11.67 1.53 Measure EQ Emot 14 3.95 5 -.79 10 1.84 9 7 .72 9 1.41 14 3.14 -2 12 2.45 16 3.83 11.00 3.61 13.33 3.06 Soc 6 -.16 4 -.96 9 1.04 2 5 -.40 3 -1.20 5 -.40 2 10 1.60 8 .80 7 .00 2.65 7 .33 2.08 QMET Total 36 -.38 16 -1.33 83 1.86 20 17 -.27 20 -.14 86 2.Lysis has revealed that it may measure three factors: Cognitive Empathy, Emotional Reactivity, and Social PubMed ID: Skills (Lawrence et al., 2004). Total scores are computed by summing responses to all of the items, while factor scores involve summing items that measure a particular factor. The range of total scores is from 0 to 80 points, with higher scores indicating greater empathy. While cognitive empathy is assessed by the Cognitive Empathy Factor and includes such items as,”I am good at predicting how someone will feel,” emotional empathy is measured by the Emotional Reactivity factor through items such as, “I get upset if I see people suffering on news programs.” Emotional empathy as measured
by this scale is more similar to the construct of emotion contagion than sympathy. The Social Skills factor does not measure empathy but rather assesses individuals’ perceptions of their ability to interact socially with others, for example,”I find it hard to know what to do in a social situation” (which is a reverse-scored item). Questionnaire Measure of Empathic Tendency. The Questionnaire Measure of Empathic Tendency (QMET) was designed to measure dispositional emotional empathy in healthy adults (Mehrabian and Epstein, 1972). The split-half reliability for this scale in healthy adults is .84. The QMET has demonstrated good construct validity in healthy adults through its association with other measures of empathy such as the IRI-EC [males: r(225)=.63, p<.05, females: r(235)=.56, p<.05] and the IRI-PT [males: r(225)=.22, p<.05; females: r(235)=.17, p<.05; Davis,Table 2 | Trait empathy: reliability. Measures 1846 1846 Re-test IRI-PT IRI-EC IRI-FS IRI-PD EQ-sum EQ-cog EQ-emot EQ-soc QMET EC 16 19 7 19 47 11 14 6 36 2.93 15 23 11 17 46 10 13 5 54 3.33 Diff score 1 -4 -4 2 1 1 1 1 -18 -.40 17 19 21 12 42 11 7 5 17 2.53 2363 2363 Re-test 21 19 19 12 50 11 11 7 19 2.73 Diff score -4 0 2 0 -8 0 -4 -2 -2 -.IRI-PT, Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)-Perspective-Taking Subscale; IRI-EC, IRI Empathic Concern subscale; IRI-FS, IRI Fantasy subscale; IRI-PD, IRI Personal Distress Subscale; EQ, Empathy Quotient (EQ); EQ-Sum, total score on EQ; EQ-Cog, EQ Cognitive Empathy Factor; EQ-Emot, EQ Emotional Reactivity Factor; EQ-Soc, EQ Social Skills Factor; QMET, Questionnaire Measure of Empathic Tendency; EC, Emotion Contagion Scale; Diff score, Initial testing ?Re-test score.Frontiers in Psychology | CognitionMarch 2013 | Volume 4 | Article 69 |Beadle et al.Empathy in hippocampal amnesiaTable 3 | Trait empathy. Participant IRI PT 1846 Patient Family NC P score 2363 Patient Family NC P score 2563 Patient NC Raw z Raw z HC GRP NC GRP M SD M SD Raw z Raw z Raw z Raw z Raw z Raw Z 16 -.40 7 -2.26 24 1.25 9 17 .05 16 -.17 21 .89 1 11 -1.22 21 .89 14.67 3.21 22.00 1.73 EC 19 -.70 16 -1.48 22 .09 3 19 -.01 25 1.42 24 1.18 -6 23 .94 23 .94 20.33 2.31 23.00 1.00 FS 7 -2.27 2 -3.24 14 -.92 5 21 .94 13 -.49 19 .58 8 7 -1.56 25 1.66 11.67 8.08 19.33 5.51 PD 19 1.34 19 1.34 16 .74 0 12 .56 16 1.44 11 .34 -4 1 -1.86 22 2.76 10.67 9.07 16.33 5.51 Total 47 -.39 25 -2.78 51 .04 22 42 .07 29 -1.22 55 1.36 13 51 .96 59 1.75 46.67 4.51 55.00 4.00 Cog 11 2.33 2 -2.67 13 3.44 9 11 3.39 4 -.50 10 2.83 7 9 2.28 12 3.94 10.33 1.15 11.67 1.53 Measure EQ Emot 14 3.95 5 -.79 10 1.84 9 7 .72 9 1.41 14 3.14 -2 12 2.45 16 3.83 11.00 3.61 13.33 3.06 Soc 6 -.16 4 -.96 9 1.04 2 5 -.40 3 -1.20 5 -.40 2 10 1.60 8 .80 7 .00 2.65 7 .33 2.08 QMET Total 36 -.38 16 -1.33 83 1.86 20 17 -.27 20 -.14 86 2.