Product Name: PolarSafe Polycarbonate CryoBox

Product Type: Equipment/Book

CAS NO: 1354799-87-3Phosphatase_Inhibitor_Cocktail_I inhibitors
cell width
10.5 mm
L × W × H
5 1/4 in. × 5 1/4 in. × 2 in.
mfr. no.
Argos, R3131
General description: •Polycarbonate freezer boxes available with 25, 81 and 100 place divisions. Boxes have clear lids with locator grids to facilitate sample identification. Polycarbonate boxes are designed to withstand temperatures from -196°C to 121°C. Boxes have drain holes for venting and safety. Keyed lid prevents mis-alignment of grid.

•Clear lids with locator grids for easy sample identification.
•Available with 25 (5×5), 81 (9×9), and 100 (10×10) place divisions.
•Tall box (5 1 / 4 x 5 1 / 4 x 3 11 / 16 “) accommodates tall tubes and vials (4 – 5mL).
•Boxes are vented for rapid freezing.
•Keyed grid prevents misalignment of grid.
•Withstands temperatures from -196°C to +121°C (320° – 250°F)

Legal InFormation: PolarSafe is a trademark of Argos Technologies, Inc.
PubMed ID:

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